
423 søkeresultater funnet


Innovasjonspartnerskap brukes til anskaffelser av løsninger som ikke finnes i markedet fra før i en samarbeidsprosess mellom oppdragsgiver og leverandør/utvikler. Anskaffelsesprosedyren kombinerer utviklingsfasen og det senere kjøpet i én og samme utlysning.


Circular and Climate-Friendly Public Procurements (CCFPP)

Circular and Climate Friendly Public Procurements (CCFPP) is a Nordic Vision project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers under the administrative leadership of the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ). CCFPP seeks to reduce the climate and environmental footprint of the Nordic public sectors' high level of consumption of products and services.


Zero Emission Delivery (ZED) 2.0

With this CCFPP sub-project, we seek to support Nordic cities reach zero emission delivery, find greener and more innovative solutions, and ensure that the public sector works better together to achieve these goals.


Circular ICT

ICT is a vital part of many public organizations. This sub-project aims at both reducing the emissions of ICT-procurement, but also reducing the waste of ICT-equipment at the end of its lifetime. Read more about the sub-project below!


Climate measuring and monitoring

Making public procurement more climate-friendly and circular requires data. Measuring and monitoring public procurement is vital for organizations to become more data-driven in their work. In this sub-project we aim to raise the quality, consistency, and availability of carbon footprint data for public procurement.