Analysis tool for sustainable goods delivery

Bærum, Oslo, and Drammen are addressing transport challenges by improving data integration and reducing manual processes. Their collaboration aims to implement efficient, sustainable strategies to cut emissions, showcasing the power of cross-sector cooperation for a greener future.

The image shows a group of four adults sitting and working together.
Bærum, Oslo and Drammen municipalities collaborating on circular solutions in transportation for their cities.

Time frame

Q3 2023 – Q4 2024


Municipalities across Norway face significant challenges in managing transport and logistics for the goods delivered to them. The current lack of reliable and comprehensive data on transport and logistics hinders their ability to implement and measure the effectiveness of strategies aimed at reducing transport emissions. Consequently, measures often lack precision and tend to be resource-intensive.

Problem statement

Municipalities and their suppliers use systems that are incompatible for cross-system data transfer and comparison. Current analysis tools require substantial manual effort to consolidate data, leading to high operational costs and increased risk of errors. The existing methods rely on suppliers to actively input data into the analysis tools, which further complicates the process.


The municipalities need an analysis tool that provides robust data to ensure effective strategies for reducing transport and emissions in their goods deliveries. This tool should minimise manual data handling and the associated risks of misreporting, and enable users to monitor their logistics solutions in an efficient manner.


  1. Data integration: Incompatibility of different systems used by municipalities, suppliers, and transporters
  2. Manual effort: High dependency on manual data input and consolidation
  3. Customisation: Need for adaptation to each municipality's specific needs and existing systems
  4. Resource intensive: Current processes are costly and prone to errors

Strategic approach

To address these challenges, a market dialogue was held in January 2024, leading to the development of the goal is to create an analysis tool that:

  • Integrates data from various systems used by different stakeholders.
  • Automates data consolidation to reduce manual labor and errors.
  • Is customisable to meet the unique needs of each municipality.
  • Ensures accurate tracking and reporting of emission-free vehicle usage.

Sectors involved

  • ICT software and systems
  • Climate and environmental technology
  • Logistic suppliers (Posten, Schenker, PostNord etc.) 
  • Municipal services
  • Water, roads, and infrastructure

Process and progress

The initiative is currently in the piloting phase. This process aims to ensure that the tool is both efficient and scalable, thereby enabling municipalities to make data-driven decisions to reduce emissions from their deliveries. 

Expected outcomes

By implementing this analysis tool, municipalities can:

  • Ensure more targeted and effective measures to reduce transport emissions.
  • Streamline data integration and analysis processes.
  • Reduce reliance on manual data entry, thus lowering the risk of errors.
  • Facilitate compliance with emission-free vehicle usage in a more resource-efficient manner.


This innovative project exemplifies the proactive steps that the three Norwegian municipalities of Bærum, Oslo and Drammen are taking to improve their sustainability efforts in goods delivery. By addressing data integration and manual processing challenges, they aim to implement more effective and resource-efficient emission reduction strategies, contributing to a greener future. It aslo shows that one needs to collaborate across sectors and borders to achieve sustainable solutions. 

Updated: 5. September 2024

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