E-procurement statistics

The number of e-procurement users and the number of transactions is growing steadily in Norway.

The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management measures various components of the e-procurement process, in order to understand how activity in the “market” (buyers and sellers) is.

We measure the number of transactions via the access points that have Norwegian receivers and senders (0192).  ELMA, the Norwegian address register in the Peppol-based messaging infrastructure (Peppol Network), is growing steadily. 

See an overview of the historical number of registered recipients. The graphs show invoices, orders, catalogues, dispatch advices and reminders that are sent in the Norwegian market (B2B and B2G).

Number of EHF/BIS invoices sent

Number of EHF-BIS Invoice november 2023

Number of EHF invoice receivers in the Norwegian SMP/ELMA

Mottakere ELMA desember 2023-21

 Number of EHF/BIS ordering transactions

Aggregated EHF-BIS order and order confirmation-november 2023

Number of EHF/BIS catalogue transactions

Aggregated EHF-BIS Catalogue november 2023

Number of EHF/BIS despatch advice transactions

Aggregated EHF-BIS Despatch Advice november 2023

Number of EHF reminder transactions

Aggregated EHF-BIS Reminder november 2023
Updated: 3. July 2024

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