Innholdsfortegnelse Finn oversikt over alle veiledere på Reset filters FagkategorierDigitalisering (51) Spørsmål og svar (1) Anskaffelsesprosessen (14) Innkjøpskategori (76) Avtaler og regelverk (16) Innkjøpsledelse (7) Bærekraft (32) Innovasjon (10) English – e-procurement (2) (-) Social dumping (1) 1 treff funnet Pay and Working Conditions in Public Contracts - Best Practice Guidance Socially responsible public procurements can help to set standards in the labour market and be a means of influencing actors in the market.
Pay and Working Conditions in Public Contracts - Best Practice Guidance Socially responsible public procurements can help to set standards in the labour market and be a means of influencing actors in the market.