Zero Emission Delivery (ZED) 2.0

In ZED 2.0 we aim to support Nordic cities reach zero emission delivery, discover greener and more innovative solutions, and enhance public sector collaboration to meet these goals.


Reducing emissions in delivery services

Public organizations have a substantial opportunity to cut down emissions by adopting zero emission delivery methods. Implementing these changes can be challenging for a single entity, hence, this project serves as a collaborative platform for sharing knowledge and best practices.

Zero Emission Delivery (ZED)

Zero Emission Delivery (ZED) is an important initiative for cities committed to lowering their environmental footprint and promoting sustainable urban logistics. Promoting the use of eco-friendly transportation methods and strategies to handle the delivery of goods in urban areas results in a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality. The ZED initiative is therefore essential for any large city striving to reduce its environmental impact.

Building on the success of ZED 1.0, which ran from 2019 to 2021, this 2.0 version of the project aspires to further advance zero emission delivery in Nordic cities.

ZED 1.0

In the video below, Nordic public procurers share their experiences from ZED 1.0, highlighting successes and lessons learned.

Advancing with ZED 2.0

In this continuation of the project, we have assembled a dedicated network of ambitious public buyers committed to zero emission delivery. This network meets regularly, both online and in person, to exchange experiences, foster innovation, establish common grounds for cooperation, and develop strategies for achieving emission-free delivery services.

Nordic Network on Zero Emission Delivery

Led by the The Supplier Development Programme (LUP), the Nordic Network on Zero Emission Delivery includes the following partners:


  • Increase cooperation and experience exchange across Nordic cities.
  • Increase knowledge on how public entities can make the delivery of goods emission-free.
  • Facilitate innovative procurements of Zero Emission Delivery of goods.

Our vision is that the Nordic Region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.

The Nordic Prime Ministers (

Upcoming activities

Latest activities

Zero Emission Delivery (ZED) 2.0 Gathering in Stockholm 28-29 May: A Two-Day Summit of Sharing and Innovation


The two-day event brought together four Nordic cities and two central government procurement bodies and a global innovation driver to share their experiences and lessons learnt on green public procurement pilot projects.

Projects updates, challenges and successes were presented in collaborative and interactive discussions. Whereby fostering knowledge sharing and green innovation in logistics in the public sectors across the Nordics.

Hosted by The City of Stockholm, the group gathered at the Tekniska nämndshuset and discussions were moderated by the Leverandørerutviklingsprogram (LUP). The gathering fulfills a primay goal of the project: to increase cooperation and experience exchange accross Nordic cities.

In the Nordic Region, we have shown time after time that we are stronger together.

The Nordic Prime Ministers


  • The City of Stockholm Environmental Administration, Stockholms stad miljöförvaltningen, with Älskade and Menigo as service delivery partners
  • NAV Assistive Technology Centre in Agder, NAV Hjelpemiddelsentral i Agder
  • Bærum Municipality
  • The Municipality of Oslo Development and Skills Agency, Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten i Oslo (UKE)
  • The National Agency for Public Procurement, Upphandlingsmyndigheten
  • The Suppliers Development Program, Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet (LUP)
  • The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management, Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring (DFØ)

Agenda highlights

  • Experience Sharing by Bærum Municipality focusing on their analysis tool for sustainable delivery.
  • Brainstorming Session where the group discussed how the project experiences can benefit cities and municipalities outside of the ZED 2.0 project. Facilitated by LUP, the session explored ideas such as websites, media coverage, webinars, online sharing, meetings, and more.
  • Experience Sharing by The City of Stockholm on Off Peak Delivery project where logistics partners Menigo presented strategies and successes with off-peak delivery solutions.
  • Team Building activities to strengthen collaboration as a diverse Nordic group.
ZED 2.0 Stocholm 28-29 May 2024 Agenda.pdf
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Zero Emission Delivery Group photo with 15 participants and ZED logo as the background
Zero Emission Delivery 2.0 group photo at the Tekniska nämdshuset in Stockholm 28-29 May 2024
Three project participants sitting and discussing
Project participants from The City of Stockholm brainstorming a greener future for public procurement


Invitasjon til nordisk bestillerdialog
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Lessons learned: how to collaborate on a Nordic level and work towards zero emission delivery of goods - September 2021 presentation
pdf 3.71 MB
Information meeting - April 2020 presentation
pdf 17.57 MB

Past activities

Highlights from May 2022 to May 2024

31 May–1 June 2022: Kick-off meeting in Copenhagen 

1–2 June 2023: Workshop in Stockholm 

14–15 December 2023: Workshop in Helsinki 

28–29 May 2024: Workshop in Stockholm 

Innovative projects

Are you interested in receiving updates on the project and invitation to project events? Sign up to our newsletter!

Updated: 5. September 2024


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