The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) as Peppol Authority

On this page you will find DFØ's role as the Norwegian Peppol Authority.

As Peppol Authority we have obligations towards those who have signed a contract with OpenPeppol through us.

What is PEPPOL?
Release note EHF og Peppol-BIS

Norwegian specification EHF

Release notes for Peppol BIS Billing v3

Release notes for Peppol BIS 3 documents, other than Peppol BIS Billing 3.0

Peppol Agreement with DFØ

New Access Points that want to be a part of the Peppol network have to sign an agreement with a Peppol authority, such as DFØ. Find the domain(s) that you would like to operate within. You can operate within one or more domain(s).

There are obligations for being part of the Peppol network:

What is happening in OpenPeppol?

How to-questions

How to become an Access Point in the Peppol Network?

Please go to our pages for service providers in OpenPeppol - eDelivery, SMP and format (pages in Norwegian) 

How to become an SMP in the Peppol Network?

In Norway it is common to use the Norwegian SMP called ELMA. Access Points operating with Norwegian receivers of messages are recommended to use ELMA.

When you are a certified Access Point with end-points in Norway you can get access to ELMA.

If you are to make an SMP for receivers outside Norway you must make your own SMP or buy the service from an existing SMP service provider.

To find a receiver in the Peppol network use Peppol Directory. For most receivers in Norway you can use the ELMA lookup.

Who are AP's, ERP vendors, accounting systems, web-portals operating in Norway?

Listed under, you will find a list of actors operating in Norway:

How to send an electronic invoice

You can create valid electronic invoices in Norway in two ways:

  • using your internal ERP or accounting systems
  • using an approved invoicing portal provider

Step by step guide to creating an invoice using your own internal ERP or accounting systems

  1. Implement support for standard format Peppol BIS or Elektronisk Handelsformat (EHF) directly in your system or via a service provider.
    Generate an Peppol BIS or EHF using your system.
    Validate the format so that the format is correct before sending.
  2. Connect to an access point. 
    Many commercially available accounting and ERP systems already have built-in access point capabilities that you can activate, by contacting your software provider.
    You can also purchase a connection agreement from an access point provider (list in Norwegian). See also OpenPeppol list.
  3. Confirm the identity of the recipient in the address register, using their organization number ELMA og Peppol Directory.
  4. Send your Peppol BIS or EHF to the recipient identified in ELMA(SMP), using your connection to the Peppol infrastructure. 

Statistic on Norwegian receivers (ELMA And other SMPs).

Additional work that is not a part of DFØ

DFØ does also provide additional work that is not a part of The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) as a PEPPOL Authority:

PEPPOL network – eDelivery (Access Point)

The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) has developed a program for exchanging messages between Access Point in OpenPeppol – Oxalis.

Oxalis is the most used exchange message program in the Peppol network. Oxalis is also used in OpenPeppol testbed.

Oxalis is compliant with the EU commission's CEF project and is listed on the CEF conformant page.

Further development of the Oxalis code takes place through the Norstella Oxalis network.

OXALIS Network | norstella

PEPPOL network – SMP (ELMA)

The Norwegian Digitalisation Agency (Digdir) has developed an SMP (ELMA) for the Norwegian marked. ELMA contains all receivers that can receive EHF/Peppol BIS messages via the Peppol network.

Receivers in ELMA can be viewed on the ELMA site at Digdir or Peppol Directory.

For technical information about ELMA, visit Digdir's technical pages.

Formats developed by The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) – EHF

The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management (DFØ) has developed formats for the Norwegian marked. These formats are mostly compliant with Peppol BIS formats.

For technical information on EHF formats, visit DFØ's technical pages

Oppdatert: 20. januar 2025


  • ehf [at] (ehf[at]dfo[dot]no)

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