
1350 søkeresultater funnet

Fellesavtale for PC-utstyr

Statens innkjøpssenter har inngått fellesavtale om PC-utstyr med fire leverandører: Atea AS, Advania Norge AS, Dustin Norway AS og Techstep Norway AS. Avtalen trådte i kraft 27. mars 2023 med en varighet på 2 år med opsjon på forlengelse inntil 2 år.


Enhancing Sustainability Through a Digital Reuse Platform

Asker Municipality, in collaboration with14 other municipalities, is developing a digital reuse platform to streamline material reuse and reduce waste. Running through 2024, the project aims to automate processes and increase sustainability by making it easier for employees to report needs and share surplus items across municipalities.


Circular furniture

Explore the Nordic initiative to utilize public procurement as a tool for creating circular and sustainable furniture. This sub-project aims to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of mass-produced furniture.


Climate measuring and monitoring

Making public procurement more climate-friendly and circular requires data. Measuring and monitoring public procurement is vital for organizations to become more data-driven in their work. In this sub-project we aim to raise the quality, consistency, and availability of carbon footprint data for public procurement.